About Your Media Center Staff
About Your Media Center Staff
Ms. Crystal and Ms. Nancy answer some very deep questions...
1. Are you a morning person or night person?
2. Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods?
Crystal--Sweet...I could officially be diagnosed as a sugar addict.
Nancy-I like both, but probably sweet if I had to choose. I wish I could survive on brownies!
3. Ninjas or pirates?
Crystal--Ninjas, of course! I'm much too loud and clumsy to be one though.
Nancy--Ninjas! I'm super stealth and like wearing black.
4. What was your favorite childhood television program?
Crystal--Whatever it was it had to be a CBS program because we only got one channel on our television...probably Happy Days.
Nancy--I was obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michaelangelo was my favorite!
5. Are you a collector of anything?
Crystal--I love textiles, and whenever I travel to another country, I always try to pick up some fabric of some sort. My favorite piece is an old baby carrier from a northern Vietnamese hill tribe.
Nancy--I have a pretty good turtle collection which might stem from TMNT obsession as a child.
6. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Crystal--Probably a Monarch butterfly because they get to migrate to Mexico every year, and Mexico is a place I love very much.
Nancy--That's tough...probably something that can fly so I can do a lot of traveling.
7. What is your first thought when you wake up?
Crystal--Please tell me I cleaned out the coffee pot yesterday.
Nancy--I don't want to get out of my nice warm bed.
8. What is your favorite color?
Nancy--It changes constantly, but right now I would say red.
9. Ever been addicted to a video or computer game?
Crystal--Ms. Pacman. I can still hear the song in my head.
Nancy--I've had every Nintendo console, so I'm definitely a Mario Bros fan.
10. Any bad habits?
Crystal--I bite my fingernails.
Nancy--I pick at my fingernails.
11. What is your favorite song of all time?
Crystal--I don't know, but it is probably a song by George Jones, Townes Van Zandt, or Cyndi Lauper.
Nancy--Imagine by John Lennon
12. Favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
Crystal--Walk to The Hop with my kids and then come back and play in the yard or garden.
Nancy--Skateboard or hike with my husband.
13. Last movie you watched?
Crystal--Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue
Nancy--The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
14. Favorite sound?
Crystal--It used to be the sound of the birds chirping on those first days of spring, but now it is the sound my children's feet make running through the
Nancy--Lake water against the shore (my grandmother lived on a lake in NY).
15. What is the fartherest you have been from home?
Crystal--Somewhere in Asia-probably Burma, India or Cambodia.
Nancy--I went to Mexico, Belize, and Honduras on a cruise.