Title I Parent Involvement Activities
Title I Parent Involvement Activities
Parent Events and Programs during the 2017-2018 School Year
- Meet the Teacher Day-- This is the day before school begins in August. It is a chance for parents and students to come see their new classroom and meet their new teacher.
- Open House Night-- 9/28/17-- An evening event for families to see how their child's classroom works and what the children are learning.
- Math Night---- February 8th, 2018 5:30-6:30 pm. A chance for families to come play age appropriate math games together.
- Experience Dickson Night-- March 27th, 2018-- A Spring Open House for Classrooms to showcase the work they have been doing this year. This night highlights our school's magnet theme of Experiential Learning.
- Mindfulness event-- May 4th and 5th, 2018-- This event will feature a film on Friday night and a series of speakers and workshops for parents, kids, and teachers on Saturday.
- End of Year Breakfast and Awards Ceremony-- 5/18/18--This is a celebrartory breakfast to honor all of the kids who had worked with our Interventionists this year. We invite families to come share a meal, listen as each child is honored for their accomplishments in reading, and to hear about the importance of summer reading.
- Summer Reading Packets-- Each of our targeted students in K, 1, and 2 receive a summer reading packet. This packet includes games, flashcards, and several just right books.
- Together We Read Program--Volunteers who are part of Together We Read support reading instruction by giving children more opportunities to explore books and language. Volunteers read weekly with students for a half hour session during school hours.
- Reader's Read Bookstore-- The goal of this program is to foster a love of reading and ensure that all students have acccess to new books to grow their at-home library. We want our students to have good books to read during their breaks away from school. Three times a year (before Winter, Spring, and Summer breaks), students get to come pick out brand new books that are at a just right level for them. Over the course of the year, our older students get 7 chapter books and our younger kids get 12 books. This program is sustained through Title I funds, our PTO and individual donors.